Topic 11: Conducting Formative Evaluation



Conduct formative evaluation and revise your course

Students will;

  • Conduct testing on at least three members of the target audience
  • Write up test results
  • Review the Brainstorm and Curriculum Wizard
  • Prioritize changes
  • Create a plan for revising your course

Warm-Up Activity

This warm-up activity helps you prepare for revising your work, which in effect, is like self-criticism. Ouch. To ease the painful process of revising your own work, repeat the following phrases out loud if you are alone. If people are near by, write them down.

  • Even Shakespeare revised his prose.
  • Great artists, including Leonardo Da Vinci, sketched before they paint.
  • Martha Stewart updates her décor.
  • Revision is essential to the development process.



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