Valerie Landau |
Short biography of Valerie Landau |
Education |
Award Winning Publications
Educational Multimedia Design, Development, and Teaching Experience |
Assistant Professor, California State University, Monterey Bay 2002-Present |
Supervisor of Instructional Development, DeAnza/Foothill Community College 2001-2002 Supervised Instructional Design projects including design, development and usability studies. |
Director, Round World Media, Design and development of educational multimedia 1999-2002. Major accomplishments include: |
Founder, Multimedia Studies Program, Ohlone College, 1997-2000Develop an accredited degree program in Multimedia Studies. Teach courses in Multimedia, Web Design and Online Education. Supervise faculty, work with advisory board, present to the Board, managed budget, computer labs and scheduling. |
Lecturer, San Francisco State University, Department of Instructional Technology and the Multimedia Studies Program 1996-2001 |
Educational Game Designer, Theatrix Interactive, 1995-1997 |
Instructional Designer and Project Manager, Creative Media 1991-1994 Develop and produce curriculum for video, print, and computer-based training. Managed production of THE CHICKEN MADE OF RAGS a multicultural musical folktale. Develop Teachers Guide Activity Book. |
Professor, Political Economy, Universidad Nacional Autonma de Nicaragua, 1979-1981 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Regional Director, National Literacy in Nicaragua, 1979-1981. Organized literacy Campaign for the North Region of Managua. |
Director of Employee Education, International Airport, Managua, 1980-1981 Design and manage employee education program for 250 workers. |
Film and Video Production |
Conference Presentations and Publications |
Professional Organizations