Round World Media specializes in innovation in education and texhnology.
Coaching and consulting for innovate and improved outcomes.
Our work has earned multiple prestigious awards.
We work with a close-knit network of the top cultural creatives and leading technologists to create digital alchemy.
Valerie Landau is the founder of Round World Media.
Developing an Effective Online Course website
Seminal work in online course development
Paperback 2001 - No longer in print
Engelbartcentric Projects

Photo by Bill Daul
The Engelbart Hypothesis: Dialogs with Douglas Engelbart

By Valerie Landau and Eileen Clegg, Douglas Engelbart
Available free online and on Kindle
"We are at a decision crossroads. And as this book vividly demonstrates, Doug Engelbart as been there all along, waiting for us with the answer."
Historian James Burke, Author of Connections
Educational Networked Improvement Community at California State University, Monterey Bay
Collaborative study group examining the work of Douglas Engelbart
The Engelbart Mural

Digital version of an orginal mural created by Valerie Landau and Eileen Clegg collaborated with Douglas Engelbart to create a timeline of Engelbart's life and achievement. The mural is on paper.
Video clip of Engelbart Chorded Ketset demo at the Internet Archive 2010
Video of Douglas Engelbar, Valerie Landau, and Eileen Clegg showing the Engelbart Mural at the Moodle-Sloan Conference in San Francisco in 2009
Video Interview with Douglas Engelbart circa 1991 in his home in Atherton
Silicon Valley: Boomtown video
Available for viewing via Internet Archieve
Produced at KTEH -PBS featuring Douglas Engelbart

Photo album of Douglas Engelbart andValerie Landau through the decades working on projects and attending industry and soical events
Engelbart Awards Photos - Jeff McCall and Valerie Landau worked with Engelbart to document many of his awards.
Game Design
Homophonia Game
A game to learn about homophones, words that wound the same but have different meanings. Click on the words to see the homophone. |