Topic 2: Evaluation Criteria


Step 1. Evaluate an existing course

Individually or in groups select one online course and evaluate it based on the first eight principles in Guidelines for the Good Practices: Effective Instructor-Student Contact in Distance Learning

To find a course to review you can either conduct an internet search or select one from the Online Course List. You might want to consider looking at online courses developed by text book companies and other distributors, as you might decide to modify an existing course rather than develop one from scratch.

Helpful information to note while you are reviewing other online courses

Is there something you like about the course in terms of the course content, the layout, the assignments, the links, the writing style, or the graphics?

By looking at the courses is there a lesson for you on what NOT to do?

Make sure to include http:// in the complete URL.
If possible, identify authors, institutions and date of posting or other details about the citation. Include your name. Email is optional.

Examples of ways to cite a URL:
Wolfe, C., Crider, L., Mayer, L., McBride, M. & Sherman, R. (1998). Toward a Miami University Model for Internet-Intensive Higher Education. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, 9(1), 29-51.

A. W. Chickering & S.C. Ehrmann "Implementing the Seven Principles: Technology as Lever." AAHE.

For those working in groups:
Discuss how the course you selected meets the first eight principles in the "Guidelines for the Good Practices". Each member write up comments, then, come to a consensus and assign members to write and post your group report.

Step 2. Enter your report (less than 1000 words) into the evaluation section of the Curriculum Wizard

Your evaluation will become part of a repository of online course evaluations.



Developing an Effective Online Class
copyright, V. Landau, 2001