Book and Article Publications
The Engelbart Hypothesis, Eileen Clegg and Valerie Landau. Book to be published June 2006.
Developing An Effective Online Course, Book Published by McGraw Hill Primus, 2001. Available on Amazon .
Into the Future, Co-contributor with Eileen Clegg. Threshold; Exploring the Future of Education Journal. Summer 2004. Threshold Magazine
The New School: Life in Cuban boarding schools, by Valerie Landau. Jump Cut: A Review of Contemporary Media, 1979, no. 20, 1979, pp. 14-15
Invited Presentations
Multimedia Showcase, Presenter at the Macromedia Conference for National Software Retailer in January 2004.
Lessons learned from Application of the Engelbart Hypothesis, Next Now Conference, San Francisco, Atherton California, October 2004.
Showcase of Multimedia Learning Objects, Macromedia Conference on Education, 2002.
Peer Reviewed Conference Presentations
Augmenting the Collective IQ, Online Deliberation Conference 2005, Stanford University, March 16, 2005. Valerie Landau
Augmenting Human Intellect, BCNET's Advanced Networks Conference: The Power of High Performance Computing, Vancouver, Canada April 2005, Valerie Landau & Eileen Clegg
Implementing the Engelbart Hypothesis: Discussing the notion of augmenting human intellect, International Conference on Technology, Knowledge and Society, 2005 University of California, Berkeley, February 2005, Valerie Landau & Eileen Clegg
Reflections of an Educational Networked Improvement Community, Birds of a Feather Roundtable, Presentation August, 2004 at the 15th ACM Conference on Hypertext and HyperMedia. Video of Valerie Landau's presentation by Robert Stephenson
A Case Study of an Educational Networked Improvement Community, Presentation August, 2004 at the 15th ACM Conference on Hypertext and HyperMedia. Valerie Landau, Jamie Dinkelacker, and Mary Cooksey. Published in the conference proceeding
CAP Goes to School: Exploring the Engelbart Hypothesis: Implementing the Engelbart Hypothesis (MERLOT) International Conference Online Resources: Sharing the Future Costa Mesa, California August 3 - 6, 2004. Published in the Conference Proceedings Online
Educational Network Improvement Communities, BCNet’S 4TH Annual Advanced Network Conference, April 2004, Vancouver published in online conference proceedings
Developing Online Courses, Online Learning, Huntington Beach, 2001.
Teaching Online, Forth Annual Learning on the Internet Conference, Santa Rosa CA, April, 2000.
Convergence: Where the PC meets the TV, Distance Learning Consortium, Apple Computer, Nov, 1999.
How to Develop an Online Course, Tech Ed99, Ontario, CA, April 1999.
Convergence: Where PC meets TV, Distance Education Consortium, Fremont, April 1999.
How to Develop an Online Course, League for Innovation in Community College, Miami 1998.
Developing Instructional Multimedia for the Web, League for Innovation in Community College, Atlanta, 1997.
Museum Collections and Exhibits
Silicon Valley video on permanent exhibit at the Smithsonian Institution
Oral Histories: The Engelbart Chronicles in the permanent collection of the Computer History Museum, 2006.
Online, Video, and Multimedia Publications
Director and Organizer of a virtual seminar, bi-monthly videoconference world summit with leading Engelbart scholars, March-June 2005.
Instructional Design for Hybrid Instruction Co-wrote curriculum for faculty. Over 100 De Anza and Foothill College faculty members were trained with this course, 2002.
Developing An Effective Online Course, Online Course, distributed by the California Virtual Campus. The course has been used by five California State funded colleges. The Developing an Effective Online Course site receives an average of 15,000 unique visitors per year.
See it, Hear it, Do it: Flash 5, Peachpit Press and Round World Media, 2001. Available on Amazon. An interactive tutorial on Macromedia Flash. Tutorial Demo
Awaken, a film by Nicole Landau, 2002 Actress
The Other Side of the Freeway, KQED, 1990, Associate Producer
Silicon Valley: Boomtown, KTEH, 1986 Associate Producer
Silicon Valley: Company Town, KTEH, 1986, Associate Producer
Silicon Valley: Hometown, KTEH, 1987, Associate Producer
Back From Nicaragua , KTEH, 1984 Producer
Educational Presentations
Monty Python Meets MTV, Sponsored by TEAPOT, Faculty meeting presentation demonostrating the power of multimedia learning objects. Spring 2003
Student Blogging, Sponsored by TEAPOT, Faculty demonstration of how to incorporate blogging into the curriculum, Fall 2004
Staff Development Day, Ohlone College, 1997, 1998, 1999
Multimedia Showcase, Second Annual Harvard Multimedia Conference, 1995
Multimedia Showcase, Women in Technology Conference, Harvard University, 1995
Technology in Education Lecture Series, Harvard Graduate School of Education, 1995
Conference Participant
Innovation and the Curriculum Workshop, IBM Almaden Institute Conference: Work in the Era of the Global, Extensible Enterprise, March 24, 2004
Macromedia and Higher Education , Attendee at the Macromedia Conference for Educators and Administrators in High Education. 2004.
The Unfinished Revolution, Stanford University, 1998. Valerie Landau served on the Resource Development Team. |